March 10, 2025
The Vilas County Snowmobile Alliance has announced that all Vilas county snowmobile trails will "temporarily" close Tuesday, March 11 at 8:00 AM.
They are once again leaving open the possibility of reopening the trails should weather conditions change in our favor. The extended forecast does not look promising, but stranger things have happened.
Regardless of conditions, the absolute latest the trails are allowed to be open is March 31, so we are running out of time.
Should this be the end, the Sayner Barnstormers would like to thank all of you that enjoyed our trails and visited our amazing businesses this season. We could not do this without you! We hope to see you again next year!!
March 6, 2025
The Vilas county trails are set to reopen Friday, March 7 at 8:00 am!
The Barnstormer volunteers have been very busy these past couple days clearing downed trees and panning the trails in anticipation of the reopening. The majority of our system is in really good condition. Trail 6/9 between TIN 204 and 225 has several dips that are full of slush, covered in snow. The fresh snow makes these more difficult to see.
You should also expect to see a lot of branches in the trail. We've cleared what we could, but there is still heavy snow in the trees and branches continue to fall.
Trail 9/11 was not groomed from TIN 366 heading west towards Arbor Vitae. There is a hill on this stretch that is very icy under the snow and it simply is not worth having a groomer slide off the trail.
With the warmer temps forecasted for next week, this could likely be our last weekend. Expect heavy traffic! Please be respectful of everyone out there by slowing down as you approach corners and STAY ON YOUR SIDE OF THE TRAIL!!
Remember, there are logging operations on parts of trails 11 & 15 between Escanaba Lake Road and Old White Birch Road. The impact to the trail is minimal, so no reason to avoid. Just remember the loggers have priority over the trails & have the authority to shut them down if you get in their way. Please be respectful of their operations.
February 21, 2025
Last weekend generated a huge amount of snowmobile traffic. This was fantastic for businesses but was also noticeable on the trails. Without some new WET snow, it just isn't possible fill ruts and make it last. Even so, trails remain in mostly good condition. Our groomers are reporting that the wider, less traveled trails are excellent! Tighter trails deeper in the woods are getting some snirty areas and are in fair condition. You'll find areas that are down to the ice base. We simply are not able to get this dry snow to stick. The 6" of new snow last weekend certainly helped, it just doesn't last long.
Overall, the riding is still really good. We're hearing positive comments from nearly everyone we talk to. Get out there and enjoy it!! Just be cautious of icy corners and stay on your own side of the trail!
The forecast for early next week is not in our favor. Beginning Sunday, it could get above freezing for four days with Monday in the mid 40s. If we can do this with minimal sun, we should be able to get through this without too much trail damage. There is potentially more snow coming on the back end of the warm spell.
If you happen to be using the Groomer Tracker app, it gives the appearance that the Barnstormers have not been grooming much. I can assure you that we are grooming nightly, and a couple of daytime shifts. We currently are working with two new machines that are not yet equipped with GPS, so they don’t register on the GT app.
Remember, there are logging operations on parts of trails 11 & 15 between Escanaba Lake Road and Old White Birch Road. The impact to the trail is minimal, so no reason to avoid. Just remember the loggers have priority over the trails & have the authority to shut them down if you get in their way. Please be respectful of their operations.
Be sure to take advantage of our upcoming fundraising event!
Brat Fry @ Sayner Pub on Saturday, Feb 22. 10 AM – 3 PM
February 13, 2025
Mother Nature continues to mostly ignore the Northwoods of Wisconsin. Since my report a week ago, we've had an additional 3-4" of new snow (dry & fluffy). It helps, but we sure could use some wet snow! Forecast is for 2-4" more on Friday - Saturday.
The Barnstormer trail system is holding up quite well. You'll find some dips here & there that can only be fixed with more snow, but mostly the riding is still really good. With the thin layer on top of the base, please be careful going into corners as the ice can carry you into oncoming traffic if you're going too fast.
If you happen to be using the Groomer Tracker app, it gives the appearance that the Barnstormers have not been grooming much. I can assure you that we are grooming quite frequently. We currently are trying out two demo machines and they are not yet equipped with GPS, so they don't register on the GT app.
Remember, there are logging operations on parts of trails 11 & 15 between Escanaba Lake Road and Old White Birch Road. The impact to the trail is minimal, so no reason to avoid. Just remember the loggers have priority over the trails & have the authority to shut them down if you get in their way. Please be respectful of their operations.
Be sure to take advantage of our two upcoming fundraising events!
Pizza fundraiser @ Hillside Tavern on Sunday, Feb 16. 4 - 8 PM
Brat Fry @ Sayner Pub on Saturday, Feb 22. 10 AM - 3 PM
February 6, 2025
The 1-3" that was forecast for last night turned out to be barely a dusting. They say more is coming this weekend, so we'll keep our fingers crossed.
The Barnstormer system remains in fair to good condition and is actually holding up quite well under the circumstances. It's thin cover pretty much all over, with a few areas of snirt beginning to show.
There is still some great riding, so get out there and enjoy! Be cautious of icy corners.
Remember, there are logging operations on parts of trails 11 & 15. The loggers have priority over the trails & have the authority to shut them down if you get in their way. Please be respectful of their operations.
Don’t forget about upcoming events!
Vintage snowmobile show @ Sayner Pub, Saturday, Feb 8, 8 am - 4 p-m
Chili Dump @ Murmuring Waters: Saturday, Feb 8, 2-5 PM
Pizza Fundraiser @ Hillside Tavern: Sunday, Feb 16, 4-8 PM
January 23, 2025
Our area got 3-4" of fresh snow last night. It was pretty dry & fluffy, but new snow.
As of later tonight, the entire Barnstormer's system will have been panned. As mentioned previously, until we get some good snow, we will only be going out once a week. This is in attempt to protect the existing base. With the lack of snow cover, too much grooming will do more damage than good.
Even with the lack of snow, our trails are in good condition. As you get to the western side of our system, the snow cover gets thinner, but it's all still very rideable. If you listen to the naysayers on Facebook, you'd think the trails were trashed! That is far from the truth. Every rider I've had a chance to talk with has been very happy with the riding conditions.
Remember, there are logging operations on parts of trails 11 & 15. The loggers have priority over the trails & have the authority to shut them down if you get in their way. Please be respectful of their operations.
Don't forget about the upcoming events!
Chili Dump @ Murmuring Waters: Saturday, Feb 8, 2-5 PM
Pizza Fundraiser @ Hillside Tavern: Sunday, Feb 16, 4-8 PM
January 17, 2025
Here we go!! The Vilas county snowmobile trails OFFICIALLY OPEN at 8:00 am, Friday, January 17!!
It's certainly been a long wait. Please keep in mind that our snow cover is very thin and the trails are going to be icy, especially in the corners. The Barnstormers will maintain trail conditions the best we can, but without additional snow, there won't be much we can do. As long as everyone is aware that we don't have ideal conditions yet, we can get out and finally enjoy some riding!
There are ongoing logging operations on trails 15 and 11. Remember that logging personnel have the right of way. They also have the right to shut down trails, so please be respectful.
While you're out there, remember to stop by the amazing businesses that keep us operating. Check out our upcoming events:
Saturday, Jan 18: Snowmobile Breakfast @ Stillwaters. 8:00 - 11:00 AM
Saturday, Feb 8: Chili Dump @ Murmuring Waters. 2:00 - 5:00 PM
Sunday, Feb 16: Pizza Fundraiser @ Hillside Tavern. 4:00 - 8:00 PM